There is no man for whom the ability to have sex for a long period of time, get maximum pleasure from it and appear like an unsurpassed lover in the eyes of his partner is not important. This increases a person's self-esteem, allows him to achieve harmony in his personal life and express himself in the best possible way at work. Unfortunately, the male half of humanity suffers from various sexual disorders more and more every year. The weakening of libido and erection is a natural consequence of the influence of factors that haunt modern man at every turn:
- The busy rhythm of life when there is not enough time for anything.
- Constant stress and tense atmosphere at home and at work.
- Lots of everyday problems.
- Poor quality of food.
- Chronic fatigue.
- Lack of exercise, lack of physical activity.
We must not forget about the diseases of the genitourinary system, in which weakening of potency is one of the main symptoms. We have listed just a few of the many reasons that lead to failures on the love front. When such problems arise, a man makes every effort to find the best potency remedy. Usually they do not take into account that in order to correct the situation, it is first necessary to find out and eliminate the cause that caused it. And the advice of experienced friends, all-knowing colleagues and other "specialists" is unlikely to allow you to do this.
Before choosing a medication, you need to think about the fact that you should not take any medication without consulting a doctor: there is a high probability that you will waste money and time or cause serious health problems. Drugs to increase potency in men are largely symptomatic. Their task is not to treat pathologies, but to alleviate their manifestations. Therefore, the positive effect is observed only during the action of the active ingredient and after that the symptoms return with the same strength. By using potency stimulants as an addition to medically prescribed therapy, you can eliminate erectile dysfunction and increase male strength.
Which medications help?

Since ancient times, humanity has been interested in increasing male strength. For this purpose, various tinctures, rubs and drops made from natural ingredients of plant and animal origin were used. In our age of scientific and technological progress, the pharmaceutical industry has made great strides, which inevitably influenced the development of more and more new stimulants. On pharmacy shelves there are many products from this range, which are divided into several groups:
- Phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors (PDE)- the strongest fast-acting stimulants. They are based on inhibiting PDE production, which contributes to the disappearance of an erection.
If sexual problems occur, you should consult a urologist or andrologist. Only a specialist will help eliminate the cause of the disorder, recommend a remedy that will effectively increase male strength, be combined with the drugs used for treatment and will not cause a deterioration in the condition.
- Herbal preparations- is characterized by a mild, lasting effect, which becomes noticeable after a sufficiently long period of constant use. Their undoubted advantage is low toxicity and a minimum of side effects.
- Hormonal active ingredients- Use as prescribed by a doctor for testosterone deficiency.
- Dietary supplements— From the name of this group it is clear that, in essence, it is not medicines, but dietary supplements. They have a long-lasting effect and can be combined with alcoholic drinks.
Five years ago, a new drug from the group of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors appeared on the world market. The effect of this remedy occurs literally twenty minutes after administration and lasts for six hours. The advantages of the drug are a reduction in the recovery time of male potency after ejaculation and a noticeable increase in the time of sexual contact. Use is permitted for low blood pressure, consumption of fatty foods and moderate amounts of alcoholic beverages. It has fewer side effects than other drugs in this group.
Are generics effective?

Potency generics are cheaper analogues of well-known drugs. There is a common misconception that their quality and effectiveness are much lower, but the toxicity and number of side effects are higher than the originals. In fact, they are in no way inferior to them in these indicators and are made on the basis of the same active ingredient. At the same time, however, they do not require extensive research or advertising, which explains the moderate price. In addition, the cost of the original drug is determined by the monopoly company that produces it. Considering that only it has permission to produce this drug, there is no healthy competition, which also does not have the best effect on the price level.
Means for increasing potency in old age must be selected by a specialist. Popular stimulants have numerous side effects and can cause serious complications, the risk of which increases significantly after age 50.
Other forms of potency stimulants

Topical agents such as hormonal ointments, creams and gels are also used to increase libido and potency. Potency suppositories are part of the complex treatment of erectile dysfunction and inflammation of the prostate. Unlike PDE inhibitors, they do not cause an increase in blood pressure and have fewer side effects.
The most popular candles are shown in the table:
Connection | particularities |
Fragments of the gonads of domestic bulls | Eliminate symptoms of inflammation, normalize the function of the prostate, thereby contributing to increasing libido. |
Beef prostate extract | They normalize the functioning of the gland, improve blood circulation and tissue trophism, and eliminate congestion. Increase libido and potency. |
Propolis, vitamins A, C, E, macro and micro elements | Used to treat prostatitis. Increases sexual desire and potency. |
Propolis, black poplar bud extracts, chamomile flowers, marigold flowers, beeswax, clary sage essential oil, cocoa butter | Eliminate symptoms of inflammation, strengthen the urogenital organs and help increase libido and potency. |
Complex of biologically active substances from pumpkin seeds (carotenoids, tocopherols, phospholipids, sterols, polyunsaturated fatty acids) | They have a pronounced antioxidant effect and increase potency. |
Propolis, sea buckthorn oil, ginseng essence, healing mud extract, cocoa butter | They have anti-inflammatory properties, accelerate regeneration and increase potency. |
Effects of dietary supplements

Dietary supplements to increase potency in men are active ingredient additives based on natural ingredients. They have a long-lasting positive effect without causing side effects. Can be consumed while drinking small portions of alcohol. They are used both to increase sexual desire and ensure a strong, stable erection, and to prevent the development of erectile dysfunction and prostate disease.
The best dietary supplements for male potency are listed in the table:
Connection | Duration of effect | Effect on blood pressure | Effect on testosterone levels | Effects on sperm quality | Frequency of side effects | Can be used by elderly patients |
Peruvian Maca | From 6 to 12 months | Absent | Currently | Increases sperm motility and ejaculate volume | 0. 4–0. 7% | Allowed |
L-arginine and alpha-ketoglutaric acid, royal jelly and plant extracts | At least six months | Possible slight increase in blood pressure | Currently | Slight improvement in sperm quality | 0. 5-1% | Allowed |
Tibetan Cordyceps, Horny Goat Weed, Eurycoma Root and 7 other natural extracts | From 2 to 6 months | May increase blood pressure | Currently | Increases sperm motility and ejaculate volume | 1-2% | Carefully |
Malaysian eurycoma root, icariin and a complex of active biocomponents | From 5 to 12 months | Possible slight increase in blood pressure | Light | Absent | 0. 3–0. 9% | Carefully |
Taurine, yohimbine, icariin, flavonoids, panaxosides and eleutherosides | From 3 to 8 months | Absent | Irrelevant | Slight improvement in sperm quality | 0. 5-1% | Allowed |
Magical aphrodisiacs

These are natural remedies that increase sexual desire, intensify sensations and significantly increase activity and endurance. The active ingredients activate the production of sex hormones and endorphins, improve blood flow to the penis and ensure a strong, stable erection.
Among herbal stimulants, Eleutherococcus is used to increase potency no less rarely than ginseng or lemongrass. It helps to increase testosterone production, restore sexual activity and increase sperm motility.
They have similar properties:
- Seafood – oysters, shrimp, squid, mussels.
- Vegetables and greens – all types of cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce, pumpkin, artichokes, Jerusalem artichokes. Celery deserves special attention in terms of effectiveness because it contains plant androgen, among other healthy compounds. If you use the product an hour before an intimate date, you are guaranteed an increase in libido as well as a strong and long-lasting erection.
- Fruits – avocados, citrus fruits (except grapefruit), mangoes, bananas, apricots.
- Honey.
- Nuts – walnuts, pine, cashews, almonds. To achieve the effect, it is recommended not to fry it, but to consume it raw.
- Dark chocolate without additives.
- Spices - ginger, basil, rosemary, cinnamon.
- Tea – Green tea has always been used to increase potency in men. The maximum effect is achieved when consumed with honey or nuts.